For the shooting of this video clip we went to the phantasmagorical house one of an old friend of mine, Christian Boros in Wuppertal. His wonderful art collection plays more than a supporting role. Shot on small digital video camera.
Was responsible for the concept and look of this one-minute corporate video for Kabel New Media. Produced it for the prestigious advertising agency KolleRebbe in Hamburg. The music was sampled and remixed from the outstanding animation movie Ghost in the shell.
[ Projects ]
Commercial for EM-TV
Motion Design for a TV Commercial 1999
Renowned advertising agency KolleRebbe hired me to design and produce a commercial for EM-TV's new stock emission.
Marcus Schmickler and I were invited to contribute to the SPRACHWERK conference at Köln International School of Design in Cologne. We sampled from Top 20 music and the corresponding video clips. The band Juice C. doesn't exist, and Marcus Schmickler composed and produced the song title "This time (I swear)".
On the actual conference the video was shown on several monitors. It was amazing to see that the audience did not realize the fake at all.
The full title of the dissertation is IMAGING SCIENCE: Integrative Audiovisualistik – Diskussionsgrundlage, Fragen-/Aufgabenstellung und Lehrinhalte für einen postgraduierten Studiengang zur Erforschung, Entwicklung und Anwendung von audiovisuellen, computergestützten Medien.
Gauloises Blondes launched their new logo and needed a video for several media platforms, from trade fairs to cornerstores. The Hamburg agency KolleRebbe hired me to come up with an idea. I invited artists and designers from different countries to do a five second clip with the logo, and remixed the results into this one minute logo animation.
Render Bandits is Pluramon's second album. I have been buying old school and medical books in weird book stores in the East of Germany. Used them to do these collages.
"Like its predecessor, Pickup Canyon, Pluramon's second effort seems quite focused on getting only just close enough to any one genre to suggest an affiliation before quickly retreating into a haze of other stimuli. Render Bandits turns that haze into a dust storm at points, with a sometimes daunting buzz of electronics and blasted acoustic treatments nearly (that is to say, not quite) obliterating the music's sturdy rhythmic foundation. A much fuller-bodied recording is the result, with tracks such as Tel Bell, Syth, and Hintergrund matching the very best of far more widely lauded post-rockers such as Tortoise." –Sean Cooper
[ Projects ]
Commercial RTL "Fresh News"
Promotion for the RTL news format 1998
RTL Television, Germany's largest private free-to-air broadcaster, was looking for a new target audience: the 20-somethings. The commercial was to be shown at the German music TV channels like MTV and VIVA.
Marcus Schmickler hired me for the artwork of his 1998 SATOR ROTAS release. Via Wikipedia: "The Sator Square (or Rotas Square) is a word square containing a five-word Latin palindrome. In particular, this is a square 2D palindrome, which is when a square text admits four symmetries: identity, two diagonal reflections, and 180 degree rotation. As can be seen, the text may be read top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, left-to-right, or right-to-left; and it may be rotated 180 degrees and still be read in all those ways. The Sator Square is the earliest dateable 2D palindrome."
Via a-musik: "Marcus Schmickler aka Wabi Sabi aka Pluramon expands his electronic experimentations, creating a surreal, open music that enraptures the listener with raging soundwaves and maximum density. Expect the unexpected from the new school of improvised music: hybrid wooshings, subsequenced crackles, microharmonical adventures. Strange, tense, cool and rich of superb pranks. "
The piece was awarded by the annual Ars Electronica festival.
[ Print ]
Commercial for VIVA Dance No.9
One CD compilation, party and Super8 film 1997
To promote VIVA's new compilation CD prestigious Wuppertal agency BOROS hired me to produce a 30-second commercial. We basically bought half a dozen Super8 cameras and threw a party. Later at night we started shooting...