
Analog collages

Culture of peace
August 1997

Prof. Eckhard Jung invited me to submit artworks for the publication Kultur des Friedens. Wege zu einer Welt ohne Krieg.

Peace and conflict researchers, artists and protagonists of the peace movement have joined forces to present a special gift to UNESCO for its 50th anniversary. In this anthology, they developed insights and ideas for a culture of peace, for the non-violent settlement of conflicts, for a future without war.

[ Projects ]

Video clip for Pluramon "Self"

Music video

A broken High8 camera and a few weeks on the US west coast. Some scenes were taken at the breathtaking Monterey Bay Aquarium. A no-budget production. Marcus Schmickler and me edited the video at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne.

Music by Pluramon. The track was release on Pick Up Canyon.

[ Projects ]

Commercial Gauloises Blondes "Text film"

Diva (1981) Wave Machine and Blue Man Group

KolleRebbe create the text idea based on a scene from the Blue Man Group in NYC. They hired me to visualize it for movie theaters. It became my very first After FX production in 2K in collaboration with Kris Krois at Cutup in Cologne. We were inspired by the wave motion machine used in th French movie Diva.

The Gauloises Textfilm won many awards, amongst others a Bronze Lion at the Cannes International Advertising Festival.

Music by Ralf Denker, Hamburg.

[ Projects ]

Commercials for CinemaxX movie theatres

Two commercials for the launch of a new movie theater

The concept and production of two commercials for the CinemaxX movie theatres in Germany was my first job for the noted Hamburg advertising agency KolleRebbe. For the two commercials we used slides and 16mm film.

From that moment Stefan Kolle stayed my No. 1 advertiser of all times until he passed in 2017. Humble, most witty, and brave.

Music by Marcus Schmickler, Piethopraxis.

[ Projects ]

Commercials for VIVA Pepsi Drinks

Three commercials for the launch of a new lemonades

Jörg Follert and I came up with the concept and directed three commercials for the German music television broadcasting company VIVA. We shot with many Super8 cameras. The soft drinks actually tasted weird and looking at the twins had a hallucinogen quality.

Music by Marcus Schmickler, Piethopraxis.

[ Projects ]

Cover Artwork for "wabi sabi"

Published by a-musik, Cologne
September 1996

Marcus Schmickler's first release on a-musik became a classic.

Via a-musik: "Wabi Sabi is a staggering sounding, beautifully packaged and simply significant contemporary electronic album by Marcus Schmickler out of the thriving German underground music scene. Schmickler has one release under his own name on the Odd Size label in France, and was a contributing member of POL and Kontakta on the same label. Most recently he released the exceptional Pluramon Pick Up Canyon album on the Mille Plateaux label (which featured the guest drumming of Jaki Liebezeit). This CD consists of two pieces: "Wabi Sabi" -- a devastating 33 minute 2-channel spatial composition that mixes gorgeous flowing electronics ala Francois Bayle with moments radio-static density and transcending sound waves. Param is a shorter work of 2-channel, powerfully droning electronics. "The pair of terms wabi and sabi are expressions of an attitude towards life that draw the power of artistic creation from silence and decay."

[ Projects ]

Motion Design for RTL II "Die dicksten Dinger"

RTL II title sequence

The show introduced international commercials to a broader audience on RTL II, a commercial, privately owned, general-interest German television channel. For the opener I sampled from various sources. Two weeks of compositing. Sampling, remixing, one my favourite occupation.

Music by Marcus Schmickler, Piethopraxis.

[ Projects ]

Cover artwork for "Pick up canyon"

Published by Mille Plateaux, Frankfurt
May 1996

Pluramon is the collaboration project of Marcus Schmickler. He asked Jan St. Werner and me to design the cover artwork for the debut album Pick up canyon. We basically cut from old books and used printing sets for children.

Via Mille Plateaux: "The first Pluramon release on Mille Plateaux, Pick Up Canyon focused on the guitar as an instrument to produce electronic sounds, dealing with the transition from structure and tune (as he calls it). Schmickler says 'I feel it's very microscopic and gives the listener the opportunity to listen into an instrument, like hearing through 3-D glasses into the space between the instruments.' "

[ Projects ]

Station idents for PRO7

"Inspired by..."

The national TV broadcasting company PRO7 hired me to develop an idea for a series ad bumpers – station identifications shown before the commercial break. We produced a series of seven jingles on 16mm film, inspired by different contemporary artists. They won several awards, amongst others a Silver Award at PromaxBDA International.

My first collaboration with composer Marcus Schmickler. The take-off of a long story and friendship.

[ Projects ]

Motion Design for RTL II "Hotzspotz"

RTL II title sequence

The TV program Hotzspotz on RTL II, a commercial, privately owned, general-interest German television channel, introduced international commercials to a broader audience.
I shot the scenes for the title sequence on Hi8 video at home, including intense use of my bathtub and the tpyeface of that decade: Template Gothic.

Music by Andi Thoma and Jan St. Werner.

[ Projects ]