These Are The Moments

by Matthew Hoffman (2009)

February 11th, 2010

[ Wunderkammer ]

The Glass House Conversations

at the Philip Johnson Glass House

February 7th, 2010


From Design Observer: "Since it reopened last year, the Philip Johnson Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut, has been the venue of a series of intimate conversations. They've been moderated by, among others, Roger Mandle, Laurie Beckelman, Maurice Cox, and John Maeda; the themes have included Breaking the Rules, Transparency, and Design and Civic Leadership."

[ Wunderkammer ]

How to Make Trillions of Dollars

by David Cain
January 29th, 2010

Via Raptitude: "The big money isn't in creating products, it's in creating customers. A single, lifelong customer who lives his life spending the way you want him to is worth six or seven figures. A single one. Creating millions of these is the only way to make trillions.

You can make millions by selling a great product to people who need it, but you make billions and trillions by conditioning an entire nation of people to react to every inconvenience, every whim, and every passing desire or fear by buying something. […]

You are being encouraged, from virtually every angle, to become or remain unhealthy and unfulfilled, because then you will buy more. Not to make you paranoid, but that's the primary purpose of the glowing rectangle in your living room — to encourage poor (but not quite failing) health, general complacency, and an unconscious reflex for parting with money."

[ Wunderkammer ]


Keep those tears hid out of sight, let it loose, let it all come down.

January 29th, 2010


to disengage

to loose

to release

to relinquish

to unclasp

to unhand

to lay so. to rest

to let go

to let loose

to let sth. loose

to loose one's hold on sth.

to lose one's hold of

to release a load

[ Wunderkammer ]

End of 2009

Ten points - Dix point - Zehn Punkte
December 31st, 2009

Coffee In 2009 I celebrated my addiction to coffee. Had the best in Milan, right across from the hotel where I stayed for a week while teaching at NABA. The lady who made it was in her 80s. 7am in the morning, the air clean and the heat still asleep.

Film Keep The River On Your Right is a fascinating movie because its subject is so fascinating. Calm, pleasant, self-deprecating, Schneebaum manages to draw you in to his obsessions and joys.

Insight The results of my Five Factor Model or FFM test. In contemporary psychology, the "Big Five" factors of personality are five broad domains or dimensions of personality which have been scientifically discovered to define human personality at the highest level of organization. Who beats my 97% openness?

Occupation One song, repeat mode, glue, scissors, three scraps of paper.

Quote "When the shadow of your house would be your home, the moment of arrival would determine where home is" by Tomas Schats.

Role model for coming of age Maryanne Amacher (1938-2009)

Song Murphy's Law, sure out to get you!

Talk Joseph Campbell - Transformations of Myth Through Time consists of 14 hour-long programs selected from over 50 hours of Campbell lectures and is introduced by "THE HERO'S JOURNEY," an award-winning biographical film.

TV series Big Love, a fair portrayal of polygamy without being judgmental. The series' theme song is God Only Knows by The Beach Boys.

Website I check out This isn't happiness nearly every day and it nevver fails to surprise, irritate and delight me.

So, here we are... And what is next?

[ Wunderkammer ]

Königin der Nacht

Minnie Riperton performs "Loving You" on Soul Train

December 24th, 2009


Lovin' you I see your soul come shinin' through.

[ Wunderkammer ]


songs from the past

December 15th, 2009


Every time I think of you
I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine
But it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
But there's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of the fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
well every day my confusion grows

Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You say the words that I can't say

I feel fine and I feel good
I'm feeling like I never should
Whenever I get this way
I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be

[ Wunderkammer ]

Green flash

or Le Rayon vert by Éric Rohmer

November 17th, 2009


From Astronomy Picture of the Day: "Many think it is just a myth. Others think it is true but its cause isn't known. Adventurers pride themselves on having seen it. It's a green flash from the Sun. The truth is the green flash does exist and its cause is well understood. Just as the setting Sun disappears completely from view, a last glimmer appears startlingly green. The effect is typically visible only from locations with a low, distant horizon, and lasts just a few seconds. A green flash is also visible for a rising Sun, but takes better timing to spot. A dramatic green flash was caught in the above photograph in 1992 from Finland. The Sun itself does not turn partly green, the effect is caused by layers of the Earth's atmosphere acting like a prism."


From Film - Think: "According to Jules Verne, those lucky enough to see this happen will also for that moment be granted supernatural clarity into their own hearts and the hearts of those around them. Delphine realizes that this sort of clarity is exactly what she has been looking for. She needs just a glimmer of certainty about herself and a companion, just one moment in which she can safely align herself with something other than loneliness. And eventually it happens. She meets a man in the Biarritz train station, and on an uncharacteristic whim, Delphine joins him on the next train out of town. They stand together facing the sea at sunset. They wait as the sun slowly drops towards the distant water. We wait with them. And then it happens.

Rohmer reportedly waited quite a long time until he could actually catch the green ray on film. If he couldn’t actually find the atmospheric conditions at the right time with his camera rolling, then the film wouldn’t have worked. Or else the film would have ended with Delphine never finding that magical moment that Rohmer had so studiously prepared for her. But we wait there with Delphine and her companion, and the sun flashes brilliantly green but for a moment before it vanishes below the curvature of the earth."

[ Wunderkammer ]

Magic mushrooms

Gazebo: I Like Chopin

November 4th, 2009


Tell me where's my way

Imagine your face

In a sunshine reflection

A vision of blue skies

Forever distractions


(Illustration by Gizem Vural)

[ Wunderkammer ]

Got it all together, don't you, baby

Murphy's Law, sure out to get you

October 25th, 2009


I need a reminder: Today is... Bangle by Hong Kong designer Yellowgoat and available at esty

[ Wunderkammer ]