halb rand klein
halb rand klein

Clips on trial

Intro magazine
September 14th, 2009

Editor-in-chief of the renowned pop culture magazine Intro, Thomas Venker, asked nine contributers to write a few words on eight famous music videos, which the magazine had chosen to present in their current issue 147. Here is the article [German].

Especially enjoyed to read Uwe Flade's comments. Had the pleasure to meet him when I invited him do give a BASECAMP lecture at the Institute For Music And Media back in 2006.

[ Projects ]

On sound design and design disharmonies, playing the drums and broker

Interview in RAKETE 03
June 24th, 2008

The visionary poster design magazine RAKETE featured an interview with me in its third issue.

We started by talking about synaesthisia and went off to consider software with which brokers can actually hear the development on the stockmarkets. RAKETE magazine was a project by students from the University of Applied Sciences' design faculty in Düsseldorf.

[ Projects ]

Opera overtures and title sequences

Design Faculty Annual
November 2008

The publication Reflektor 1 presents student projects from the several design faculty at the Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences. It is also a retrospect of events, exhibitions and conferences. And they included my article Take it from the top. Opera overtures and cinema title sequences.

[ Projects ]

New programs at IMM

Music and Media / Audio and Video
October 6th, 2008

Two new bachelor programs started at the Institute For Music And Media in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Two eight-semester bachelor programs provide students with both an artistic and theoretical, as well as a technical and practical basis for professional and reflective work with media. The Music and Media (Bachelor of Music) program combines studies in a broad range of media techniques with artistic research and work as a musician at the Robert Schumann University of Music and Media. With its more than 60 year history, the artistic-technical Audio and Video (Bachelor of Engineering) course of studies combines training as an engineer with artistic studies.
The profound study and practice of a musical instrument are part of both programs.

After the first two semesters the students choose their own focus from eight different majors. I chair the major concentration in Visual Music. The opportunity to study Visual Music explicitly is unique in Europe.

German Flyer (PDF) with more information on both bachelor programs.

[ Projects ]

Interview in PAGE 07/08

On Visual Music
June 2nd, 2008

Gave my friend Judith Mair an extended interview for the well-known German design magazine PAGE June issue. We talked about the relationship between audio and visuals - and all the possibilities if it is revised and equal.

Two of my students - Maurice Braun / Instituite For Music And Media and Nina Juric / Baden-Württemberg Film Academy - were also featured in this article.

Read the full article [German].

[ Projects ]

Consultant @ University of Applied Sciences Salzburg

Developing a master program Multi Media Art
June 30th, 2008

Karin Mairitsch, head of Multi Media Art faculty at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Austria, invited me to join a team of 20 experts to help developing a new graduate program.

In addition to students and members of the faculty five consultants were hired to support this effort: Dr. habil. Frank Hartmann, Alexander Kohlhofer, David Muth, Michel Schütz and me. In an open and creative atmosphere ideas for an exceptional new design program evolved. The project will continue throughout 2008.

[ Projects ]

Observing with all senses

Motion Graphics: Application and Criteria
August 2007

My essay Motion Graphics: Application and Criteria was published in the Festschrift-booklet Beobachten mit allen Sinnen: Grenzverwischungen, Formkatastrophen und emotionale Driften- Eine Festschrift für Bernd Scheffer (Münchener Studien zur literarischen Kultur in Deutschland) [Observing with all senses].

The booklet honored Bernd Scheffer, Professor for New German Literature at Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, Munich and his influences and impulses given to media-theoretical thesis in contemporary media studies.

[ Projects ]
halb rand

Reduction | Interaction | Motion picture

Considerations in basic design in multimedia context
November 29th, 2006

My text Pictures in motion - Motion Graphics: Applications and Criteria was published in Reduction | Interaction | Motion picture - considerations in basic design in multimedia context.

The publication provides an insight into the fundamentals of visual communication. It is intended to serve as a theoretical basis for basic design education, which integrates contemporary multimedia expressions and their effects.

[ Projects ]


Inspired by Cut hands has the solution
August 23rd until 27th, 2006

Contributed my sculpture WH to the Hi Fans! exhibition at the c/o pop festival in Cologne. The design studio FRAM curated the exhibition and invited artists from all fields to come up with a visualization of their fandom.

Photos © Manu Burghart

[ Projects ]

Interview in DE:BUG 96

About the Institute For Music And Media
Januar 2006

Gave my schoolmate and friend Vicky Tiegelkamp / playframe an interview for the German music magazine DE:BUG.

We talked about my new post at the Institute For Music And Media in Duesseldorf and their diploma program Audio and Video Engineering. To appoint a professorship at a University for Music to a communication designer is exceptional - if not unique. The students I work with are all musicians.

Read the full article [German].

[ Projects ]